Prime Minister’s wife Anna Hakobyan visited the village of Sarnaghbyur in Shirak region on January 26, and was hosted by the family of Hovhannes Grigoryan, who had been killed in the 44-day war.
Hovhannes began his compulsory military service in Gyumri, then in Nagorno Karabakh. Only four months were left to complete the term of service when the 44-day war broke out.
His mother, Anjela Khachatryan, told Anna Hakobyan about her son’s life.
Before joining the army, Hovhannes studied at the State Academy of Crisis Management.
Anjela Khachatryan said that the last time she spoke to her son was on October 1, 2020, then they learned from fellow soldiers that Hovhannes fell into a siege and was killed on October 3. Hovhannes’ family managed to bury their son’s body only 11 months later.
Anna Hakobyan thanked the parents for raising a hero and considered Hovhannes’s act invaluable.
The Prime Minister’s wife then visited the fraternal pantheon of Sarnaghbyur village, laid flowers on the graves of soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the defense of the Motherland.
In Sarnaghbyur, Anna Hakobyan also visited Zagha cave or St. Gregory the Illuminator’s hermitage, where, according to popular stories, was St. Gregory the Illuminator’s habitation.
As part of her trip to Shirak Marz, Anna Hakobyan visited 82-year-old Seda Yaralyan, who lives in Gyumri, whose son Artyom Yaralyan was immortalized in the 44-day war. Artyom volunteered to go to war at the age of 38. Anna Hakobyan inquired about Seda Yaralyan’s health condition and listened to her story. Mrs. Yaralyan had three sons, the two elder sons died earlier, Artyom was the third son.
Anna Hakobyan wished good health and patience to Seda Yaralyan.